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MAP’S MID-WEEK MINUTE: Are Our Public Libraries A Safe-Haven for Porn?

Men Against Porn’s Mid-Week Minute

This week’s Mid-week minute will expose you to a horrific reality going on right under our noses, in America’s Public Libraries. 

Parents: do you know that your children can access porn in our libraries?  

Do you also know that libraries are reticent to stop it and actually, in some cases, quite resistant to those who have tried to shed light on this pervasive and unfettered criminal activity?

Some boards and employees have actually sought the arrest of those with whom they disagree.  

Yes, you read that right.  

They are using tax-payer money to try and arrest those tax-payers who disagree with them and seek to hold them accountable.

By the way, do you know that the American Library Association made the 2017 National Center on Exploitation’s Dirty Dozen List as a major contributor to exploitation?

We believe it’s time for the American Library Association to be held accountable at the highest levels.  

Click this link that exposes the cover-up and the crimes going on right beneath our noses. Cover-ups that are funded by tax-payer revenue.  

We don’t know how far or how wide this is, but it’s presence anywhere, at anytime, in this country should be alarming to every citizen of this land!

Public Libraries should not be a safe-haven for porn!

Men Against Porn stands with you and we ask that you stand with us.

Do you agree?  If so, join us!  

How? One quick way is to subscribe to our Facebook page and “like” this article and share it with others!

If you or someone you love is stuck in this addiction, reach out and let us help you get started on your freedom journey today!



Over fifty million students, K – 12th grade, attend public schools every day in the good Ol’ US of A.

Parents hope they send their kids off to learn important subjects like math, reading skills, science, the arts, etc.  More and more, however, it seems that learning how to be a porn-star, or sex-slaves subservient to the uncontrollable desires of teen-aged (mainly male) porn addicts, is also a part of the national curriculum!

At least, that’s the case in one Brooklyn school where a thirteen year-old boy lured a seventeen year-old girl with learning disabilities into a bathroom to an ensemble of 6 boys-in-waiting, ready to have her perform sex at their command.

Yeah, you heard that right.  A thirteen year-old boy lured a female student (one struggling with disabilities) into a bathroom and watched as his cadre of porn-induced criminals demanded sex and assaulted her at the very core of her being.

Parents, do you know where your daughter is right now?  

In school?

Learning what, do you suppose?

This is the type of thing (preteen/teen sexual exploitation and assault) that happens to a nation that’s been tolerant of pornography for so terribly long.  This is, as it were, a natural outcome of a generation hooked on porn.

Some might argue that porn and porn addiction may have nothing to do with this case.  And, while the facts are still pouring in on that case, let me present some other facts that help us see just how desperately addicted to pornography the children of this nation have become.

  • Studies show that nearly 50% of children ages ten to seventeen are consistently consuming porn online.
  • Twenty-five percent of all internet searches (about 68 million) are related to porn.
  • Of the forty-two percent of teen-age boys who admit to viewing porn within the last twelve months, sixty-six percent of them report it as unwanted exposure.
  • 116,000 searches PER DAY are related to child pornography.
  • Ever thirty-nine minutes a new porn film or video is created.
  • Nearly thirty percent of teenagers admit to sending nude photos or emails, which is a form of porn-production in its own right.
  • Thirty-five percent of all downloads are pornographic.

Sick to your stomach yet? 

Well, we’ve not even begun to consider the full ramifications of behavioral disorders such consumption is producing.  Ramifications like an innocent young girl being sexually assaulted by her classmates while attending school.

Consider, for example a 2016 meta-analysis of porn which revealed that teens who regularly consume porn reported experiences of reinforcing gender stereotypes, earlier sexual debut, experimentation with casual sex, and, most importantly, increased sexual aggression against others both as perpetrators and victims.

We may not all be addicted to porn, but we’re all porn-addicts now!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these boys who abused this girl have been and are actively consuming porn.  It’s odd that the paper refers to the girl as the one with the disability.  It’s clear, to me at least, that it’s the boys who are acting in sub-human ways.

While, as a dad, I’d like to see these boys punished to the fullest extent of the law.  What I’d like most is an investigation into what fuels this behavior and then hold the guilty parties responsible.

The guilty?  The folks who are producing and distributing porn at a break-neck clip.

Join the fight today.

Let’s see these boys held accountable as well as those who have profited off of their addiction.

Let’s live to see the end of porn in our lifetime!

Biz with MenAgainstPorn



A few years ago, Singapore based game publisher, IGG,  saw their annual revenue jump over 200%. Their popular Castle Clash accounted for nearly 80% of the jump.  What you may not realize it that kids who play this game are given access to thousands of other games, for free.

Dozens, possibly hundreds, maybe thousands (the number is too high to count), of those other games are explicitly pornographic.

All of the games are free.

All of the games are easy to download and disguise.

Parents never have to know.

The global gaming industry is one that’s been teen-friendly (as a distributor of porn and exploiter of our children) for decades.

IGG-games is no exception.

In fact, parents, you need to know that IGG offers porn to your ‘gaming-child’ for free.  

Yes, they offer games like Honey Select free-of-charge, to children of ANY age.  

Others titles (again free) in their library?

  • Porno Studio Tycoon
  • Drunken Robot Pornography
  • Bad Ass Babes
  • Beauty Bounce
  • Beach Life: Virtual Resort: Spring Break
  • Detective Masochist (Yes, you read it right)
  • Nefarious (as sickening as it is, an “adult” edition featuring anime characters designed to look like preteens)

Some of the games even offer dating advice to your six year old.

And all of it’s free.

IGG, short for I Got Games, is a rapidly growing publisher of mobile online games with an astounding global influence.  This group of investors is intentionally poisoning our culture and the children being raised in this culture.

Men Against Porn is working hard to hold investors like these accountable.  Ultimately, we intend to usher in the end of porn in our life time.

Until that occurs, we will stay vigilant in our efforts to help you keep your friends and family safe.

Please help us by sharing these posts and engaging with us in this battle!

The team at Men Against Porn






By Biz Gainey

“How can I prevent my children from seeing porn?”

The above question is one I often hear.  It is on the heart of every well-meaning and concerned parent these days.  My answer to them is this: “You can’t prevent your children from seeing porn.  Eventually, they will see it.”

I follow that up by encouraging them that there are ways to prepare their children for this eventuality and preparing them in their desire to push back against porn when it encroaches!!

Simple And Effective Ways Parents, Families, and Individuals Can Push Back Against Porn

Understand that Porn is targeting our children

This is crucial.  Most parents don’t realize how aggressive the porn industry is and how invasive it has become.  The tactics and strategies the industry uses to suck pre-teens in are as pervasive as they are effective.  Over two-thirds of a child’s initial exposure to porn is unsolicited and unwelcomed.[i]

Preempt Porn’s Perversion with Positive, encouraging, and life-giving parenting

Spend time with your children – both formally and informally – discussing the realities of porn in our world.  Let them know that if, and when, they look at porn, that it is okay for them to tell you.  In fact, they should know – without a doubt – that you want them to tell you!  After the initial thrill that porn provides begins to wane, fear and shame quickly settle in.  Fear and shame are the soil in which isolation and silence are birthed.  A child who stays choked by the roots of this silence and shame will – undoubtedly – run to porn again.  This return to porn begins the slow but steady descent into addiction.  Be preemptive!

Model Sexual Integrity

There is an old axiom that drips with truth: More is caught than taught.  In the area of sexual wholeness, this is certainly true.  If you’re married, then love your spouse above all other loves.  Cherish your spouse and be sure your children know that.  Porn is fake love, and when you place it next to genuine marital love, it will always crumble.  If you’re single, then practice the type of sexual integrity you hope your children would model.  I find that many men continue to secretly struggle with porn.  If this is the case, then admit it.  You don’t have to tell your child, but you do need to share your addiction with a trusted friend and – sooner than later – your spouse.

Develop an On-Going Action Plan

Make some decisions regarding technology and how and when it will be used in your home.  If your son or daughter has a smartphone, then you will need to establish a baseline of acceptable behavior that will protect them from the industry’s reach.  Some things you might consider:

a.    Using a filter on all devices.[ii]

b.   Check ALL history daily.  When history is deleted, there will need to be consequences.

c.    No screens behind closed doors.  For example, no televisions, smartphones, tablets, or computers, etc. should be allowed behind closed doors such as bathrooms and bedrooms.

These are just a few suggestions that we’ve used in our home.  You will need to establish some ground rules that work well within the pre-existing flow of your family.  No ground rules, however, is sure to lead to porn consumption, if not all-out addiction.  Smartphones are pocket-sized perversion centers, and the porn industry both knows and exploits this reality thousands of times a minute.  Silence and a failure to develop a technology-use plan are akin to aiding and abetting the porn industry

Don’t be Afraid to Reach Out For Help

When I began my journey out of porn, there were precious few resources.  These days help can be found in nearly every community.  There are many places on the web where you can find help as well.  This site, MAP, is one such place.[iii]

I hope for, pray for, and work toward the day in which our children do not have to grow up with the reality of pornography.  This, however, is not that day.  Until that day arrives, I will do all I can to help prevent porn’s spread and prepare others how to face it!

All of us at want to be an encouragement to you and a resource for you!  Reach out to us if you’d like to know more about how to join the movement or if you simply need help in your own battle!

Together we can experience a porn-free life and help usher in the end of porn addiction in our lifetime!





Five Quick Tips for Parenting Against Porn

By Biz Gainey

My wife and I – having three teenagers in our home – are raising children who are fully absorbed into the first technology-drenched generation.  As such, we’ve learned a few things – often through failure – that might help those of you who are walking in – or are about to walk in – our shoes.

So, from the heart of one parent to another – if you are interested in PARENTING AGAINST PORN and guarding your child’s heart, then take a minute and consider the following FIVE QUICK TIPS.

1.     Wait as long as you can before giving your child a ‘smartphone.’

Placing a smartphone in the hands of pre-teens and young teens is akin to breathing a virus over them and telling them not to inhale.  Ridiculous.  We failed on this point.  We’ve paid the price.  I know the surrounding culture suggests every child needs a phone by the age of 8.  That’s just false.  Resist this, as long as you can. 

I’d suggest engaging your child in a meaningful conversation and then finding resources to aid you and your child as you prepare for the day when you do allow that first smartphone.  Wondering if I’m right?  Think of it this way: would you take your child to a strip club and expose them to the environment therein?  Or, would you sit down and watch an X-rated movie with them?  Probably not.  Smartphones are pocket sized peep shows that open your child to a world of relentless distraction, dehumanizing distortion, and ultimately, soul-sapping destruction.

2.       No screens behind closed doors, ever.

This is a must.  My wife and I, again, have learned the hard way.  When you try to implement this one, you are likely to hear a barrage of the following arguments (there must be a web page where they come up with this stuff):

a.       But I need it for my homework.

b.      I’m just listening to music.

c.       Yeah, but it’s my alarm clock.

d.      No other parent makes their kids do this.

e.       What about your phone, dad?

f.        I like to have music playing when I’m in the shower.

And the hits just keep on coming! 

For every excuse, there’s any easy and healthy alternative.  Parents simply need resolve to see this one through.  As one who has ‘been there and done that,’ and has failed as often as I’ve succeeded, I can tell you that this is a moment-by-moment, day-by-day, night-by-night reality.  Wondering why your teenage son spends inordinate amounts of time using the bathroom?  Come on, Dad.  Engage with me on this one.  Keep the phones in common areas.  Remember, this is not about parental authority as much as it is protecting our most valuable treasures – a child’s heart!

3.     Casual Check–ins Can Lead to Meaningful, Life-Shaping Moments.

This realization has changed the entire tenor of our home.  If children – especially in their pre-teen and teen years – are approached only when we are concerned about something, they begin to develop patterns of defense and preservation for those moments.

My wife and I learned to seize the casual moments life often provides, but parents rarely see.  Moments when the kids are engaged in something they like to do.  Whether it is basketball or playing the guitar, tossing a baseball or swimming in the pool, we’ve learned to take advantage of our time: doing some casual check-ins with our kids.  Now, as they are all teenagers, we both try to take our kids out to dinner once every couple of months, with no agenda.  We just want to be with them.  Moments like this dig deep wells of trust that will provide refreshing waters of hope when your children experience troubles and trials that are sure to come their way!

4.     Establish a System of Family-Wide Parameter and Permissions.

Every parameter we put on our kids are parameters we’re willing to share as adults.  We do this because our participation with them conveys the depth of our love for them and concern for their flourishing.  For example, if I enact a regulation for my child’s good (look both ways before crossing the road), then the same regulation, should theoretically, be for my good as well.  Of course, there are exclusions to this, but even those are decided as a family. 

5.     Teach this: Sex is a Good, Glorious and God-given Gift.

Porn is not – and NEVER can be – sex.  It’s a distortion of sex and, as such, leads to disfigurement in life.  I believe that porn capitalizes on our reluctance to teach the goodness and glory of sex.  We are wired for Eros.  We are, fundamentally, erotic beings.  In other words, we are wired to love and be loved.  Eros is a beautiful biblical term.   Within its beautiful boundaries, the sexual experience is one that brings delight and restores design.  Outside of its beautiful boundaries, the sexual experience (or quasi-sexual experience proffered by porn) brings distortion and ends in despair. 

Early on, in our children’s life, we emphasized the reality that sex is a gift from God to be shared in a meaningful and life-long covenant relationship.   We have further taught them that the naked body is beautiful and, as such, it’s a natural attraction.  However, porn asks us to view the naked bodies of those who aren’t in a covenant relationship with us, and those who are being objectified (turned into tools to be used to fill someone’s distorted desires) and dehumanized.

There is no battle more important than the fight to protect our child’s heart and to guard them against the onslaught of a porn-saturated culture.

It’s never too late to start. 

Engage today. 

You will not be sorry!

If you find our resources helpful to you and those you love, we ask that you share them with your friends, neighbors, and communities!

Together we can experience a porn-free life and help usher in the end of porn addiction in our lifetime!

What Will You Tell Your Son About Your Porn Habit?

By Eddie Capparucci, MA, LPC


Okay, you’re 42, married with a 13-year-old son. And you struggle with porn. You’ve always struggled with porn. It started at age 12 with girly magazines your best friend would steal from his dad. As you got older, you discovered pornography was everywhere to be found on the Internet. You would spend hours searching for images and masturbating. And here you are today, 30 years later and still struggling with the same shameful behavior.

But what have you done to try to stop other than the useless white knuckle attempts made when your wife had a meltdown after catching you once again? Nothing.  No counseling. No support group. No sponsor. No educational efforts. No 12-Step Program. You’ve done nothing but promise you will try harder next time.

Your wife has already caught you several times. How long will it be before your son stumbles across what you have been putting into your eyes? You know it’s just a matter of time. You can’t keep it hidden forever. It will come out into the light.

“And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.” John 3:19-21

What will you tell him about your addiction? How would you explain it away?

“Son, it’s not really a big deal. All men do this.” Is that the message you will deliver to him?

Or maybe you’ll say this:  “Son, pornography is not a good thing but it is a disease that affects all men. We don’t want to watch it but we simply don’t have any control. Just try to keep it out of sight and not let women know you’re watching.”

Those types of replies may help you feel less guilty, but they will serve to simply pass along your dreaded addiction to another generation. You son needs to understand the truth about pornography and the negative impact it has on those who view it; family members; and the individuals who participate in it. But he can’t learn about the evils of porn until you stop abusing sex and start rebuilding your legacy as a father, husband, and man of God?

“But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.” 1 Timothy 6:11

Perhaps, today is the day you start creating your new legacy.  Schedule a counseling appointment; arrange to attend a support group; find a sponsor; educate yourself about the disorder; and expose your sin to the light.

As you work on overcoming your addiction, you can one day say to you son. “Son, we need to talk about a very serious subject that can cause great harm to men, women, and families. That is pornography. If you allow it to enter your eyes, it will slowly destroy your mind and integrity. I should know. At one time I was addicted to pornography. Today, I want to take steps to ensure you will never have to deal with the shame and guilt that I did. I want you to be a Godly man, who respects women and knows how to properly give and receive love. And I do this because I love you.”

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