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Men Against Porn’s Mid-Week Minute

This week’s Mid-week minute will expose you to a horrific reality going on right under our noses, in America’s Public Libraries. 

Parents: do you know that your children can access porn in our libraries?  

Do you also know that libraries are reticent to stop it and actually, in some cases, quite resistant to those who have tried to shed light on this pervasive and unfettered criminal activity?

Some boards and employees have actually sought the arrest of those with whom they disagree.  

Yes, you read that right.  

They are using tax-payer money to try and arrest those tax-payers who disagree with them and seek to hold them accountable.

By the way, do you know that the American Library Association made the 2017 National Center on Exploitation’s Dirty Dozen List as a major contributor to exploitation?

We believe it’s time for the American Library Association to be held accountable at the highest levels.  

Click this link that exposes the cover-up and the crimes going on right beneath our noses. Cover-ups that are funded by tax-payer revenue.  

We don’t know how far or how wide this is, but it’s presence anywhere, at anytime, in this country should be alarming to every citizen of this land!

Public Libraries should not be a safe-haven for porn!

Men Against Porn stands with you and we ask that you stand with us.

Do you agree?  If so, join us!  

How? One quick way is to subscribe to our Facebook page and “like” this article and share it with others!

If you or someone you love is stuck in this addiction, reach out and let us help you get started on your freedom journey today!


Tiffany Leeper

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