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Now that most state legislative sessions are in full swing, we’ve been having a lot of great movement and updates with our initiatives. As you may know, we supremely focused on bringing attention and solutions to the proliferation of pornography in our country today. Check out what’s happening.


Thanks to everyone’s recent support in reaching out to offices in Ohio for HR180 declaring pornography a crisis, and it passed out of committee! We had such a good response from people that had emailed and called legislators. It was humbling. The resolution will go back up for vote in a couple weeks and we will keep you informed with the progress! 


Last month, we met with U.S. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler regarding a federal solution to fighting pornography. Thanks to Russ White (CCV), and Donna Rice Hughes (EIE) for joining. It is time for the U.S. to take a big step to getting online pornography away from children, and thanks to all of those who have signed our petition calling for a federal age-verification solution. We are making great headway to make this a reality.


The Safer Internet for Minors Act has been introduced and is moving well. This bill will require Internet provider to filter obscene/pornographic websites by default for customers, and much needed parental control features with service. So far the public has been mostly kind with attention from the AFA, The Activist Mommy, Technical Politics, and more. The bill is set for a hearing the second week of March and we are excited about our champion legislators who are boldly moving this forward.

South Carolina

We are excited about the progress in South Carolina. Madeline Johnson, our University Director, has been working closely with State Representative Anne Thayer on drafting of the resolution declaring pornography a health crisis. Accompanied by her friend Colby Calloway, these two on-fire college students, are making such a difference. Madeline recently spoke at an event with legislators and garnered a handful of co-sponsors to the resolution.


HCR 72 is headed to the Missouri House floor and will move to the Senate soon! This bill is way ahead of ideal schedule to be passed. Thanks to Uriah Stark for galvanizing this effort to officially recognize the health hazard of pornography. Also, because of the idea and organization efforts of Uriah, NDC held its first ever Rally for Decency with amazing speakers and advocates such as Russ Tuttle, Allissa Johnson, and more.

Would you like to join our team?

We are a passionate tight knit group of volunteers that join for a conference-call every other week and meet up yearly in the nation’s capital. For more information about joining the National Decency Coalition, go to: We would love to have you be part of our team.

Eddie Capparucci

Eddie Capparucci is a Christian therapist and licensed by the State of Georgia. He is certified in the treatment of sexual and pornography addiction, and he and his wife, Teri, have a private practice working with men struggling with sexual and pornography addictions, as well as their wives who are dealing with betrayal. Among his many clients, Eddie has worked with professional athletes, including NFL and MLB players and television personalities.

He is the creator of the Inner Child Recovery Process (ICRP) for the treatment of Sexual and Pornography addiction. This unique treatment method helps individuals get to the root issues of their addiction and provides them with the tools and insight to manage the disorder. It is endorsed by many leaders in the sex addiction field. The Inner Child Recovery Process is the subject of his new book, Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction. He also is the host of the webcast entitled Getting to the Other Side: Helping Couples Navigate the Road to Recovery.

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