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I am often asked for resources to help fight porn addiction.  While there are many on our website, I want to take a minute and direct you to one that I have found quite helpful.

I am going to repost a blog that I found on their site and then give you the link so you can navigate it glean from all the resources they provide.  Remember, there are people out there who can help you! 

You don’t have to stay trapped!

The name of the organization is Be Broken!  I love that!!  They are based in Texas but they have wonderful online resources and they hold weekend retreats and conferences in other parts of the country.  I think one is coming to Florida soon (More on that later).

Check out this insightful blog – especially for all those who think “being right” is always the most important thing!

When Being Right is Wrong, by Jonathan Daughtery

There is a mistake I see virtually every man make in recovery. It is the mistake of defending “rightness.” Let me explain.

Every man who enters recovery has a history of deception; of others as well as himself. He has told so many lies it would be pointless to try and tally them up. When the truth of his secrets comes to light, the people closest to him recoil in shock and hurt. They feel the sting of betrayal that his lies brought. They wonder if they can ever again believe anything this man tells them.

As the man pursues recovery and begins to experience some healing and freedom, he realizes that the ones he hurt are not so quick to “get on board” with his new life. They remain skeptical, even defensive; even accusatory. And for the man in recovery this causes him to feel the ironic sting of hurt and befuddlement. Few, however, recognize the irony. Instead, they rail against the accusations with a fervor of “righteousness.”

This is a bad idea.

Read the rest here!

Tiffany Leeper

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