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You think porn is someone else’s problem? You may want to view this quick new report and reevaluate your position!

Porn consumption continues to grow at a break-neck pace in our society.

Sending and receiving personal pornographic images, via text from a child’s phone – known as ‘sexting’ – continues to rise!

As parents, we need to be equipped with the facts so we can engage in the fight!

Such realities are directly related to the proliferation of pornography!  While the porn industry is desperately trying to clean up their act, we know that there is no such thing as good, clean porn!

The current social toxins our children have to navigate are directly related to the proliferation of pornography!

If you’d like to know how to get involved, for the sake of your children, reach out to us.  We can help!

Try these three quick tips to engage your children and prepare your home to withstand porn’s assault

  1. Talk to your child!  Let your son or daughter know that you know how easy it is for someone to see porn these days.   Take the ‘sting’ out of it by letting them know that you are always open to discuss the matter when it occurs.
  2. Ask them directly! Just ask your child if they’ve seen porn.  They will likely say ‘no,’ but pay attention to their body language.  If you suspect they aren’t entirely truthful in their response, then craft out intentional time and space with them, so they will feel safe to discuss it with you.
  3. Spend time with your child.  Porn addiction is nurtured in the fertile soil of isolation.  Your best defense is a strong offense!  Be proactive with fun, productive activities!


Tiffany Leeper

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