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Three Steps Any Parent Can Take to Prepare Your Children to Prevent and Have Victory Over Porn

Step One: Understand and Teach this: There is no such thing as ‘good’ porn.  

This is crucial.  Many of us tolerate porn because our culture is so tolerant of it, or because we are trapped or hooked to it.  

If you are confused about porn’s devasting influence, then click this link,

The porn industry is on a break-neck pace to clean up its image and rebrand its product.  Don’t be fooled.  Porn is not sex.  It’s the opposite of sex.

Step Two: Begin discussing sexuality and porn, particularly, while your children are young.

Children are being tricked into viewing porn at very young ages – sometimes as young as five to six years of age.  This is not by accident.  The industry targets them and hopes to exploit their innocence and curiosity before they are old enough to understand the ramifications.

If you want a resource to tackle this, then click here.

Step Three: Beware of too much technology, too early.

It’s time parents wake-up to the destructive reality of porn and begin to prevent their children’s access to it.  This means that parents should be wary of putting a smart phone in their kids hands too early.  The internet is the porn industry’s Mississippi River – it’s the pathway to the world.  So, keep your children safe by keeping them away from the river, so to speak.  

If you already have technology in your home (most of us do), then check out these options for filtering and blocking software.  Click here,

Join us in our efforts to eradicate porn in our life time! 

Tiffany Leeper

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