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This weekend marks one of the single largest viewing days in the world.  Yeah, you know, it’s the Super Bowl.

Millions upon millions of people will be viewing this year’s Super Bowl.  It seems that fans of this weekend’s game are pretty much rooting for or against Tom Brady, rather than for or against a particular team.

I like the Super Bowl for many reason (no, I don’t root against Brady- though I admit that I am partial to the Falcons this weekend).  One reason is that porn viewing tends to go down during a Super Bowl.

That’s right!  Down!

That is until right after the last second ticks off the clock.  Then the fans of the losing team tend to run to porn to bring comfort to their soul.  This weekend, MAP would like you to consider a different tactic to cope with your addiction – if your team loses.

We’d like you to try a few things we think may help:

  1.  Reflect on the numbers of people who are Trafficked into sex slavery.  If you’ve followed us for any amount of time, then you know that we can draw a direct line from sex trafficking to pornography.  Perhaps, if you’d think about all the girls in Houston being sold this weekend, you’d be less likely to run to porn and more likely to run toward something else.  What might you run to?
  2. Why not run to MAP’s Ten Day Challenge and decide that you will begin a life free from Porn this weekend.  You can find MAP’s challenge here:  You’ll also find Eddie Capparucci’s excellent book on how to break free from Shame on our resource page!
  3. Ready to get involved with our efforts to rid the world of porn?  Then check out our legislative efforts designed to heighten awareness to the pandemic that is porn addiction.

If you’d like to know more about folks engaged in the war on sex trafficking, then check out our friends at Exodus Cry,

This team of folks is on the ground – in Houston – this weekend!

Men Against Porn is excited about your freedom!  

Whether your team wins or loses this Sunday evening’s contest, we at MAP anticipate a day in which we may all live free.  A day in which running to porn will no longer be an option!

Biz, MenAgainstPorn

Tiffany Leeper

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